1.) "Basic" doesn't equate to "smartest" or "best." Simplicity can be overrated in our world. The difference between military conscription and vaccines are that the latter have been scientifically proven to save lives on a mass scale. Vaccines cut across all demographic lines. By contrast, while we can make credible arguments for how essential national security is, that doesn't mean every man is cut out for military service -- physically, emotionally, or psychologically. And by saying that the main duty of women is to "send their sons to war" -- that minimizes the severe emotional toll that losing a child to war takes on a parent. It also essentially places childless women in a "privileged" subclass due to implied lack of burden.
2.) I agree with you that parents should be honored for bringing children into the world, and I'm glad you don't support the stigmatization of childless people.
3.) For me, it depends on what kinds of moral choices someone makes. A serial killer, for example, is more "disposable" (in my eyes) than someone who makes the mistake of cheating on their spouse.
4.) Those characteristics must not be as virtuous as you'd have us believe, if you're unwilling to trumpet them back to me for clarification.