A few things:
Your characterization of Black Lives Matter is flawed and inaccurate. Not all members of BLM want to abolish the police. What we need is police accountability, which there HASN'T been, for decades upon decades. The absence of police accountability is Exhibit A of the existence of systemic racism.
I agree that #DefundThePolice was the wrong slogan to use; they should have promoted #PoliceAccountability as a hashtag, instead. But that's the fault of a minority of shrill voices who are trying to hijack the movement...NOT the BlackLivesMatter movement as a whole.
The "segregated" dorms and graduation ceremonies: first, are the dorms that you're thinking of pointedly themed, or do students literally get rejected from living there if they can't prove their ancestry? Because cultural themes of dorm floors have been around for a long time -- and they are completely healthy to understanding diversity and inclusivity. I agree that the general graduation ceremonies shouldn't be segregated by race; but in regard to the examples you're thinking of -- are they additional supplementary ceremonies that celebrate the on-campus cultures of specific student demographics?
The "diversity training" in Seattle, which you use as one of your examples -- that's an adverse consequence of the racist dogma peddled by Robin DiAngelo and her ilk. What we need is a thoughtful countermovement that pushes back against such reductionist ideologies...but the pushback there has to come from the Left, the Center, and the Right alike. However, the self-serving agenda of Ms. DiAngelo doesn't negate the realities of white supremacy engrained within our systems themselves.