"A giant circle jerk of progressives all promising to be better..."
PERFECT description of them, ArgumentativePenguin!!!
And *I* grow exponentially exasperated with THEM, because they are essentially creating a cult. We are looking at years upon years of corrective evolution that'll be needed to "deprogram" millions of members from the Millennial, Centennial/Zoomer, and Alpha generations who've been (or are in the process of being) brainwashed with that kool-aid.
Again, they are creating a defacto cult (incidentally, on the opposite end of the political spectrum from the one Trump created). They've convinced themselves they're "teaching empathy" with their tactics. All they're really doing is pissing people off -- and making themselves look like reductionist idiots, in the process. Oh, and losing downticket races for the Democratic Party.
I truly feel that a better starting-point would be to teach students/adults the differences between systemic, cultural, and social forms of racism. But that, of course, would run counter to the holy grail that the likes of Robin DiAngelo and Tim Wise have already constructed for us to blindly follow.