And that is misandry (for those in the back of the room who continue to insist that misandry "isn't a thing"...) -- and I won't support it or enable it.
And yes, I'll die on that hill. Probably literally, in real life, someday, if someone eventually decides they are hell-bent on targeting me in that manner.
All I'm saying is that I understand how anyone would grow exhausted from having to qualify every little thing they say or how they say it in every scenario. Well, not me. I'm naturally verbose. But I'm also abnormal (and everyone -- and I mean EVERYONE -- takes their turn at reminding me of that, throughout my entire life!).
So I've honed my ability to filter what somebody's intended context appears to be. I know that when women say "Men suck!" -- most of them aren't literally saying "ALL men suck!" They are saying they have grown exasperated with the endless parade of men who regularly bathe in toxic masculinity while lacking any self-awareness, and "THOSE men suck."
At least, that's what I suspect they're saying...???