And, while I agree that this individual has an immensely concentrated collection of privileges, we also should look deeper than that.
Is he Nonconforming??? (in terms of whether or not he embraces traditional or "acceptable" gender roles)
Does he belong to a marginalized religious faith, or possess a lack of faith? (atheism or agnosticism)
Is he stigmatized for being born in the "wrong" generation?
Do his politics exist outside of the (American) two-party system?
Do people look down upon him when they find out where he happened to be born?
Is he short (or "shorter than average, for a man")?
Is he overweight or obese, with any of it tied to underlying medical conditions?
Is he unmarried or childless?
Does he have severe allergies?
Was he molested or raped, as a child or during his young adulthood?
This isn't to discount the forms of privilege he DOES possess; but I'm bringing it up moreso to challenge people's assumptions about the traditional definitions of what we've been taught that privilege means.
Kimia, I really do love this piece you've written! You beautifully pull back so many layers to the intersectionality discourse. There are still too many people who claim to be "woke" who make this reductionist assumption that it's ALWAYS limited to mainly race/sex/gender/sexuality "in most cases" for everybody, all of the time.