As an older Millennial, I really admire the tenacity and sense of justice we are seeing from so many Zoomers emerging as leaders in our society.
I think what we tend to forget is that Millennials and Zoomers, generationally, have a lot more in common than what sets us apart. We could be a powerful force in this country, if we'd just join together and lift each other up.
I'd also include younger Xers in that coalition. Most members of GenZ are probably too young to remember this, but I vividly recall being a GenY teenager, and watching as GenX was blamed/scapegoated by Baby Boomers and members of the (ironically-named) Silent Generation for being responsible for all of society's ills and failures, back then. I realized, even as an adolescent, how it was only a matter of time before my generation endured the brunt of this sort of blame. Hell, we still do! There are some older people who have blanket contempt for Generation Y while simultaneously putting Generation Z on a pedestal (probably because so many Zoomers are their own children or grandchildren).
The Millennial, Centennial, and Alpha generations are going to become the bedrock for leadership as we approach the middle of this century. I think it's ALL of our responsibilities (Boomers, X, Y, & Z) to set a positive example of intergenerational solidarity for the Alphas (whose oldest members are currently in the 3rd & 4th Grades, and whose youngest members haven't even been born yet).