Broad strokes, again...because it's clear you have already defined me without being willing to actually engage in conversation:
1.) Yes, my initial exposure to Jodi's worldview originally happened in 2001. And guess what? Twenty years later, she's still at it. Now, I'm not saying she's some terrible and cruel person in every aspect of her life. In fact, I know she isn't -- because I've heard her views on other areas in which she actually has compassion for others. But her approach is very misguided and flawed. I'm not backing down from that, just because you choose to view her as an "ally." It isn't even about Jodi as an individual. It's about the dogma and ideological movement that's emblematic of her perspective. The fact that you are so hung up on the year in which I first met her tells me you are the type of person who wants people to "just get over" what happened to them in the past -- as long as it didn't happen to YOU, or as long as they're somebody who looks or thinks differently from YOU.
2.) I will stop using "hyperwoke" during our conversation, here. I will not, however, cease to use it when I encounter OTHER PEOPLE who exhibit the type of behavior and authoritarian mindset.
3.) "Expect to be treated as you are treating others." Back 'atcha, Marnita. I'm trying to find common ground with you, and I'm trying to find an opening for areas in which we have common goals. You're not having any of it. You already have decided I'm the enemy when I refuse to defer to your perspective on every single point. However, unlike you, I'm not going to dismiss every single thing you say just for the sake of being contrarian...and just because you are knowingly embarking in a character assassination against me.
4.) The GOP is making laws against people teaching history because they want to take us all back to the 1950s. That's one side of the coin. The other side is people who believe students should be indoctrinated with the proclamations of Robin DiAngelo and Tim Wise. Are YOU on that "other side," Marnita? Because, if so, what you are trying to do is no better than those who are trying to force our schools into a whitewashed trance of romanticized revisionist history. Schools are supposed to teach kids HOW to think, not WHAT to think. Of course, I doubt you'll ever acknowledge that -- because your partisan blinders won't allow you to.
5.) I won't say "the Left" anymore, during this conversation, in a generic manner. Instead, I will be very specific as to what mindset or political stance I'm referring. Thank you for prodding me to be more specific.
6.) "But I literally am love. In the face of harm and hurt. I am love."
If you were really love, you wouldn't be trying to tear apart somebody on the Internet whom you don't even have the decency to question about his life, his struggles, or his worldview. I sincerely think it's groundbreaking that you've been able to have 200,000 conversations with people over dinners throughout your career. Clearly, you have a gift for connecting with people when you're face-to-face with them. If only you could translate that same skill when typing out your thoughts on a computer keyboard.
7.) I have been raped. I relive the trauma of it EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE. Don't you dare fucking accuse me of being a rape enabler.
But, hey, you probably think my "whiteness" neutralizers the years of sexual abuse I've endured in various contexts. So my entire existence has been just peachy, huh?