"Face it, aren't men the ones who need to do the most learning and changing? Do we have to tip toe around the egos of the most fragile males in order to achieve harmony among the sexes?"
I flatly reject the assertion that any one group has "more to learn" than any single other group.
That's the beauty of human existence...every day is an opportunity for all of us to learn something new -- even about people we thought we knew well.
So, no, I won't accept the premise that "men have more to learn about women than women have to learn about men" -- or any other Insert Group A / Insert Group B scenario. Our societal misunderstandings are precisely BECAUSE no group has seen its members learn enough about any group that differs from them.
Secondly, "fragility" is quickly becoming a term popular for weaponization that will soon become utterly meaningless, due to how the wielder will repurpose it for whatever value-based agenda they might happen to be pushing. Similar to "snowflake" or "___splaining" -- the verbal agitator can misappropriate whatever rhetoric they choose, in order to gaslight their target.
We are reaching the point where anybody who stands up for themselves, or merely disagrees with another person's argument, is suddenly demonized as "fragile."