First, I want to say what a fantastic and devoted daughter it sounds like you are. Your dad was very fortuanate to have you in his life!
Every generation covers approximately a 15-year span, and Boomers generally were born in the mid-to-late 1940s up through the late-1950s to early-1960s as their birthdates. However, the younger half of the Boomer generation (to which you belong) is also sometimes known as "Generation Jones." So I think there are younger Boomers ("Xoomers," "JonesGens," or "Gen J") who often have more in common with older Xers than they do with older Boomers.
For the older Boomers who were born on the tail-end of the youngest Traditionalists (aka "the Silent Generation"), I've sort of coined the term "Silent Nesters" to refer to that upper/older half of the Baby Boomer cohort: