For me, the two aspects of my identity that I often feel obligated to disclose upfront (when getting to know people) are both my homosexuality as well as my autism.
In a majority of cases, people's responses have either been supportive...or ambivalent, where they essentially say to me, "Who cares?" or "You don't have to put a warning label on yourself."
What they don't realize is that I feel pressured to qualify my identity, preemptively, so that it makes sense to someone who doesn't already know me well. So they digest my words and actions with some variation of, "Oh, so THAT'S why he is sharing this perspective or behaving in a certain manner."
Of course, then there are the joys of "crossover revelations" -- where I must confuse the hell out of many gay neurotypical people or straight autistic people.
I'm a complex creature.