For myself (as a gay man who has never been to a strip club of any orientation), I wouldn't even want to go to a strip club with all-male dancers/performers because I just don't like having sexually-provocative attention drawn upon me (even if it's the entertainer presumably attempting to "entertain" me and facilitate my enjoyment). I only feel comfortable engaging in sexual relations when my partner wants to engage in sensual communication based on mutuality and reciprocity.
The closest experience I had was, on one occasion, going to Hooter's with my fraternity brothers in college; and, literally, the only reason I went with was because I was hungry and wanted dinner. I made sure I was polite and respectful to the servers; and, when we took a group photo at the end of our meal, the two servers on duty gravitated toward me as the one whom they chose to get closest to -- and many of the guys joked, afterward, how ironic it was that the gay guy was the one who got "the best spot in the photo."