Frostjax -- you may be right. I still admittedly have to read her book, and, although I'm trying to go into it with an open mind -- based on my previous readings of her work elsewhere on the Internet, I'm not holding my breath for the "White Fragility" book to be some beacon of enlightenment.
The main reason I used "White Savior Complex" is because "White Saviors" tend to think THEY know what is best for people of color. From what I've read, DiAngelo seems to predicate her "academic research" on the premise that White people are actually the monolithic ones (even if, as she even acknowledges, society doesn't treat them as such), and are the ones to who need to be "schooled" on *THE* "correct" way to view race relations. This premise implies that she believes that she is providing some magnanimous service for BIPOC through her actions.