Hazlit, I'm talking about ALL boys -- not just gay ones. Straight, bisexual, trans, genderfluid...it happens in both Queer and heteronormative circles.
Sometimes it's about muscular physique. Sometimes it's about skinniness or thinness. Sometimes it's about skin condition.
Yes, there is a dynamic that's unique to gay male culture. But that doesn't exempt boys who AREN'T gay from being targeted by it.
I do agree with you that money and status/power definitely fuels the toxicity surrounding male body image. I would just offer that many men (or boys) also judge and demean OTHER MEN (or boys) for their physical appearance, including size, height, wardrobe, and skin condition.
For me, if I receive a snide or demeaning comment about my appearance from another dude -- it hurts more than when it comes from a woman. That's just me. Maybe there are heterosexual men who'd feel the opposite way?
Along with the great points Jennifer made, in response to your criticism -- I would extend this conversation beyond the specific transgressions of rape or assault. I'd argue that to live in such an image-conscious society should require CONSENT. Nobody asked for my consent when they've proceeded to express their value-judgments against my body.