Hey Joe -- for the record, as an older Millennial (part of the "Xennial" microgeneration), I always thought the "Ok Boomer" meme was ridiculous and insulting, ever since Chloe Swarbrick (perhaps unintentionally) popularized it. And I always appreciate hearing the perspectives from Baby Boomers who do indeed share the general empathy/productivity for society that everyone should *ideally* have...
I'd like to invite you to check out my historical & socio-political assessment of the eight different American generations, in this piece I recently published:
Although I had to restrain myself from making the same level of passionate editorial commentary (that you did in your own article) I would have liked to have made, since I wanted to keep it as a more analytical and somewhat objective overview. But I certainly intend to make a lot more of those in-depth editorial comments in future pieces. ;-)