I actually didn't feel personally attacked. I want to understand better where you are coming from. I was trying to clarify how I frame things, conceptually -- while defining what I view as harmful tactics that I've witnessed in OTHER PEOPLE. I'm not accusing you of being culpable for their transgressions.
I don't doubt that you have encountered many people who *DO* treat differing views like a personal attack on them, but that isn't my intention. It says a lot about their lack of character that they weren't willing to try to give you the benefit of the doubt -- but, be assured that such reductionism isn't how I operate.
So, let's start over, *if* you're willing to: are there some parts of my original essay/editorial where you believe I might be missing some key concepts?
If so, please offer something I might want to give further thought to...and I will ask follow-up questions, and I'll try to make sure they are framed in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner.