I always roll my eyes whenever I see people emulating hairstyles -- or wardrobe choices or cultural dances, et. al. -- in order to look "cool" or "trendy," without learning the history or sociological impact behind those elements.
Before you can appreciate something, one needs to understand where it came from and what type of meaning/value it has amongst members of the culture who cultivated it. Failing to do this will only create an environment where artifacts, symbols, and entities specific to a certain culture end up being mocked and trivialized by groups ignorant to their usage.
Side-note of constructive criticism: using the term "GenZer" is low-key ageist against Millennials (as is failing to capitalize the latter word), as it implicitly suggests a negative value-judgment against members of Generation Y by creating asymmetry vis-a-vis the social reverence already enjoyed by Generations X & Z. The more appropriate descriptors/adjectives for members of GenZ would be "Zoomer(s)" or "Centennial(s)." Sorry for the quick aside, as I realize that has nothing to do with the initial topic of cultural appropriation itself.