I look at it a little differently than you do.
I acknowledge that power and privilege can play a big role in racism, quite frequently...but most prominently when it comes to SYSTEMIC RACISM.
By contrast, SOCIAL RACISM and CULTURAL RACISM are driven by individuals and groups, respectively, and they can exist outside of racist systems (as well as overlapping within them).
Racism is an umbrella term with many subcategories and nuanced iterations. But the wokesplainers want to simply "dumb it all down" for us peons/bumpkins.
However, you are 100% spot-on with your criticisms of both DiAngelo's methodology and ideology.
Did you read Steve QJ's takedown of her, last spring? I have my own editorial piece dismantling DiAngelo's worldview coming up...which I plan to write as soon as I can stomach getting through her book (and, before anyone accuses me of confirmation bias -- I've read plenty of DiAngelo's previous writings from before "White Fragility" even hit the bookshelves).