I rarely use the term "woke" by itself, because its original meaning has become so corrupted from the original intent that the Black-led civil rights movement established.
However, I will still keep using "hyperwoke" because it defines a very specific illiberal archetype:
I'll stop using "hyperwoke" when people on the Left quit resorting to "Oppression Olympics" by lecturing others to "get woke" when we refuse to subscribe to Robin DiAngelo's dogma.
As for Jodi's invocation of "quit bitching about affirmative action" -- you may be right that she was TRYING to say that White people simply need to become better educated about what affirmative action actually is/does (as opposed to the right-wing myths that it's based on quotas or tokenism). But, as you yourself pointed out, she is the one who insinuated that White people should succumb to "having the tables turned on" us SOLELY DUE to our identity of being White per se. That clearly came from a Jane Elliott-style place of self-loathing rage/guilt on Jodi's part, even though she wasn't yelling or screaming when she said it.