I read through the piece I suspect you're referring to:
First, I want to say that I don't think there was ANYTHING unreasonable about asking White men to reflect upon our white privilege or male privilege, particularly the systemic aspects of our society that oppress POC and BIPOC.
However, it does seem as though you are structuring your arguments in a preemptive attempt to shoot down ANY form of future thoughtful dissent, which is a bit on the intellectually-dishonest side (in terms of tactics).
Who says YOUR definition of racism (which, to me, sounds like what you are describing would be SYSTEMIC RACISM) is the only valid definition?
Who says that something applying to "men in general" doesn't also apply to "women in general," "BIPOC in general," "LGBT people in general," etc.? (Disclaimer: by nature, I always minimize my usage of the phrase "___ in general" because, more often than not, I find my initial bias to end up proven wrong).
The name-calling and ad hominem attacks against you are absolutely uncalled for. The question remains: are you willing to have thoughtful dialogue with those who DON'T engage in such character assassinations against you, but who still challenge facets of your premise?