I think the distinction that these "woke" so-called "antiracist" people are failing to make is how there are different forms (subcategories) of racism.
SYSTEMIC RACISM -- institutional or governmentally-supported racist policies that are system-wide, primarily and almost exclusively affecting BIPOC Americans
SOCIAL RACISM -- mistreatment or discrimination based on race, usually inflicted by one individual toward another; BIPOC and White people can be both the targets and/or the perpetrators of such actions
CULTURAL RACISM -- groupthink or mob mentality where people weaponize racial differences against multiple other people, due to dissimilar skin color; again, here, BIPOC and White people can be both the targets and/or the perpetrators of such actions
"Prejudice" is a passive attitude or belief. Once one's prejudice becomes ACTIONABLE or BEHAVIORAL, it becomes a bigoted iteration of discrimination...and, therefore, can be considered an "-ism." This applies not only to race, but *also* to attributes such as sex, class, age, sexuality, gender identity, religion, disability status, etc.