I'd challenge your assertion by asking you this question: if White students in a classroom feel bad when they learn about slavery, genocide, and historical hypocrisy -- is your hope that they would absorb those lessons and commit to helping create a world where governments and individuals won't repeat those travesties? Or are you looking for them to declare themselves "inherently racist" and grovel to PoC about allyship and how they will "do better" and "be better"? Because I think you know, on some level, that I support accurate teachings of history in K-12 schools (unless you just lightly skimmed my article before leaving those comments)...but I'm trying to figure out what your end game is? From the outside looking in: what kinds of reactions would you specifically hope for, from White students in that hypothetical classroom? And what kinds of reactions would you want to see in Students of Color who were their classmates learning about it alongside of them?