I'd say the major difference between social/individual racism vs. cultural/group racism is that social racism is usually directed at one person by another person. Cultural racism is when groupthink sets in, and the mob of racially-similar people (and/or their sympathizers) go after one person (or they go after a group, mob-on-mob style).
The problem is that many (not all) of the CRT folks refuse to view social racism or cultural racism as an iteration of racism. In their mind, it's merely "prejudice" -- period. Never mind that "prejudice" implies passive attitude/belief rather than actionable or behavioral components.
Until that particular sect of the pro-CRT crowd drops their "my-way-or-the-highway" approach to deeming that "power+privilege" is the *ONLY* formula for racism, they're going to keep running headfirst into rigid and adamant pushback from the reactionary DeSantis-style crowd (as well as from more centrist critical thinkers, such as myself), in perpetuity.