If the gun industry was smart, their spokespersons (and I distinguish them from the NRA's spokespersons, for obvious reasons) would publicly endorse the types of reasonable, moderate gun control reform that we've cited here (in our previous replies). They would also issue a public counterthreat to Democrats: if you go beyond this scope (e.g. embracing the overreach of proposing backhanded taxes on gun ownership), there WILL be reprisal. That would enable them to look like "the adults in the room" to both the Center and the Right. Anti-gun folks on the Left wouldn't be entirely happy with the outcome, but they'd get at least some significant progress.
But if Democrats give the gun lobby this "red meat" (pun intended) of clear evidence to portray the Left as wannabe-"gun-taxers" -- I fear a rehash of 2010 and 2014. And then NOTHING will get done, to any degree or magnitude, when it comes to gun safety legislation.