I'm a Pagan/polytheist with agnostic tendencies, and I find myself having to "check myself" when it comes to my religious biases.
For all the so-called "Christians" who would call me a heathen (due to my polytheism) and a faggot (due to my homosexuality) -- there are tons of Unitarian Universalists, Quakers, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Congregationalist, Reform Jews, progressive Muslims, liberal Catholics, and moderate/centrist members from traditionally anti-gay congregations who'd have no problem with my sexuality and would be willing to judge me solely based on their view of my character (or lack thereof).
It's a two front-battle, as I find myself having to do the same with atheists. Despite all of gnostic atheists who are bigoted against me just because I'm a creationist, there are the agnostic atheists or confident atheists who take a "live and let live" attitude when it comes to religion/irreligion.
I have to resist the knee-jerk reaction upon hearing that someone is "Christian" or "atheist" as part of their identity.
I've also met a few Pagans who are closer to me in their religious views than monotheists or atheists are -- but they are objectively terrible people, and I can't give them a free pass on that because we're "sort of" similar in our religious beliefs.
I wish there was a way everyone could discuss faith with civility and with minimal judgment of one another.