I'm going to respond in broad strokes, since you packed so much into your reply:
1.) Jodi is an archetype of the sort of leftist who is behaving like a caricature. I'm not saying she's individually responsible for it; but, yes, she is part of the problem on the Left. And, yes, this happened in 2001 before she was promoted to the university administration. But I follow her on social media. She hasn't changed. She wasn't just some young spring chicken just getting her feet wet with trying to understand the experiences of marginalized communities.
2.) So, if I'm understanding you correctly, MLK would characterize "the white moderates" as White people who vote Republican purely on emotion rather than on policy or platform? Since I haven't voted for a Republican in almost a decade, I'm not sure how my voting behavior would make me "a white moderate" by that definition.
3.) You'll have to be more specific about your reference to "a bunch of young people just getting their legs under them." Police violence/brutality against peaceful demonstrators is unacceptable. But, somehow, I suspect that isn't what you were talking about...???
4.) "Your motivation is to talk down and mansplain."
Your misandry is showing here, Marn. Please tell me *HOW* I was "mansplaining"? When did I make the claim that your womanhood is invalid? When did I approach the conversation as though I was informing you about something that you already knew?
Unless, of course, your misappropriation of "mansplaining" is being done merely to try to theatrically shut me down...???
5.) It sounds as though you are saying that, if I refuse to completely expunge the word "hyperwoke" from my vocabulary, that I'm irredeemably cruel, brutal, and racist?
Have you stopped and LISTENED TO YOURSELF, Marnita? If this is the edict you attempt to lay down for anybody who disagrees with you, then it's no wonder so many people have a hard time taking you seriously.
6.) " You could see yourself as my ally. "
It isn't up to me to tell somebody else whether I'm their "ally." Either you view me as your ally, or you don't. Evidently, you don't view someone as your "ally" unless they agree with you 100% of the time.