Isvari -- this is a very thoughtful piece. Here's how I approach it...
I make sure to delineate the differences between "systemic racism," "social racism," and "cultural racism."
Systemic Racism is obviously endured exclusively by people of color, based on racist practices within systems and governmentally-supported institutions. intended to perpetuate white supremacy. These problems are clearly what BlackLivesMatter explicitly seeks to remedy/confront. And rightfully so.
Social Racism is when individuals mistreat each other based on racism. BUT FOR the fact that somebody is the race they are, would you have said/did something specific or adverse to them? The targets as well as the perpetrators can belong to any racial/ethnic group, here.
Cultural Racism is an extrapolation of Social Racism, whereupon people mistreat one another based on groupthink spawned from clinging obstinately to group identities. Again, the targets or the perpetrators can be of any racial/ethnic background. BUT FOR their racially-specific group identity, would you have treated them any differently?
The "hyperwoke" crowd (often those who are academic elitists) would claim that the latter two forms of racism (Social and Cultural) are merely examples of "prejudice." The problem with this is that prejudice implies a passive belief or attitude. Once that bigoted belief/attitude becomes ACTIONABLE or BEHAVIORAL, it morphs into demonstrative racism. No, not always a systemic form of racism...but (social/cultural) racism, nonetheless.
Until we begin looking at racism (and acknowledging it) in a much more multifaceted manner, we're never going to get anywhere when it comes to race relations. The "It's-'only'-prejudice" / "privilege+power=racism" sycophants/cultists need to meet the rest of us halfway.