It is, for sure.
But it's a reality. Rudimentary analogy: if someone steals a gallon of milk from my refrigerator, whereas someone else steals/posts private photos of me and then proceeds to spread them across the Internet...both are sins perpetrated against me. Both warrant restitution. But the latter instance is arguably more severe (and has a greater tangible long-term impact on me) than the former.
The same applies to racially-motivated aggression/crime...or any other transgression committed by someone where they leverage another person's identity against them. There may be varying degrees of magnitude (minor vs. major). Some acts may occur systemically, whereas other actions may occur interpersonally or privately. But they all warrant accountability and redemption. We have to recognize them for what they are, regardless of an individual's perception of their "severity" (or the subjective value judgments the observer might attach to it).