It's the fact that these two generations are overvalued based on nothing more than "vibe" and personal prejudices -- vis-a-vis Boomers and Millennials -- coupled with the specific animus directed against Millennials. If we're going to assign broad "value" (or lack thereof) to Gens X, Y, Z, and the Baby Boomer cohort...then what does that say in terms of what Gen AA has to look forward to?
You're right that a big part of the problem would be labeling all of these different generations in the first place -- and then inflicting our prejudices against whoever wants a convenient excuse to. I'd agree that speaks to the greater necessity of promoting intergenerational solidarity and reducing generational pigeonholing -- but, because the stigmas do exist, rebranding will inevitably be a major (not exclusive) part of that journey.
Your use of "unintentional slight" is interesting, as it really steers us into the debate over intent vs. impact.