It's very clear that you haven't read very many of my writings, otherwise you'd know that I believe how...
1.) It isn't mutually-exclusive to appreciate diversity while also supporting reasonable immigration policies with paths to legal citizenship. And it doesn't require us to be Anglophobic/Anglomisic.
2.) We should teach people to be proud of learning about their cultures WITHOUT hating themselves or shaming "their people." Yep, that applies to the White kids just like it does to the Black and Brown kids.
3.) When studying history, we look at the good, the bad, and the grey areas...and we can resolve not to repeat those mistakes, but it DOESN'T mean we should flog ourselves for the sins of historical figures (including White men).
4.) We can change systems without creating newly-oppressive models.
5.) White people, men/boys, and heterosexual people deserve compassion and respect, just like any other group.
How are any of these beliefs of mine "intolerant"...???