Julia, a quick question for you about the concept of "staying on brand"...
You seem to describe your brand as providing a voice for feminist writings. Unless you'd elaborate on that characterization, with a little more detail.
Can you think of examples of successful Medium writers across the platform who have really honed their "brand"? And, in broad strokes, what their general "brand" is?
I write about a prolific array of topics -- because I don't want to bore people with all politics, all human interest, all social issues, all entertainment reviews, all literary analysis, etc. -- after awhile, you just end up saying the same things, over and over again.
But regardless of which subject area/category a given article of mine falls into -- the common thread across most of my pieces is that it's being narrated by me, "The Nasty Gentleman." Someone who tells it like it is -- with a mix of compassion and tough love. Empowering readers who want to make a difference...but reading the riot act to readers who are part of the problem. But in a snarky and powerful way. This isn't performative...it's just who I am. I've found that it takes a lot of work/energy/effort to try to be someone who you're not, in life.
Is that too broad, in terms of "branding"?