LOVE this, Casira! So real and authentic, in the way you've written it.
I frequently find myself taking inventory of both my own privileges and (statuses of) marginalization:
PRIVILEGE: White, (biologically) male, cisgender, American citizen, college-educated, average height, cancer-free, omnivore, exceptionally-literate, allergy-lacking, kinetically-mobile, risk-averse, free of financial dependents, soon-to-be middle age.
MARGAINALIZATION: Gay, chronic anxiety, neurodiverse, working-class, polytheistic, generationally-Millennial, political outsider, rural-residing, dermatologically-inferior, transportation-challenged, beauty-deficient, history of sexual trauma/abuse, unmarried/uncoupled, lack of celebrity status.
It really makes one reflect upon both the beauty and the complexities of intersectionality (and the role intersectional identities play, divergently, in so many different areas of our lives via time/manner/place).