My gal, you seem to have a warped perspective on why exactly I watch "The View."
The reason I watch it is hear a multitude of perspectives. It's also to learn more information pertaining to issues about which I'm uninformed (or to which haven't given enough thought) -- and hear if any of them are illuminating points that I haven't considered before. Contrary to what Fox News wants everyone to believe, the women on "The View" aren't 100% aligned with one another on every single thought or opinion that they have, either. But the Far Right wants to portray it as though they are of one monolithic beehive mind...which is FAR from the truth.
Joy says a lot of things with which I agree, politically and personally. She has some genuinely funny commentary at which I laugh. My objective isn't to serve as a contrarian force to EVERYTHING that comes out of her mouth. (Just last week, they were discussing the legitimacy of the alleged extraterrestrial bodies discovered in Mexico; when the producers showed a still-shot of one, Joy quipped, "I think he used to date Lauren Boebert!" I uproariously laughed out loud right there in my living room).
But an opinion show is inevitably going to feature people who are out of touch. Usually not any *one* individual ALL of the time; but, as viewers, it's our right to dissect and challenge their viewpoints -- the same way it's their right to get paid by ABC for sharing those perspectives with the rest of the world on national television.
I never said Joy is the most dangerous person alive. But, like all of us, she has her blind spots -- so, yes, when she spews something that is antithetical to my own life experience, I'm going to correct the record.
If I criticize someone, I shouldn't be expected to preface it with, "Oh, but just so y'all don't accuse me of being unfair to them, I heartily agree with this person on X, Y, and Z."