Nothing you wrote strikes me as something that would/should fall under Medium's Terms of Service violations.
However, I would be curious to know the context of your usage of the phrase "trans fat," in whichever posting/discussion it was relevant to? I know of at least two other Medium authors who have recently received T.O.S. violations (one of whom was outright suspended from the platform, and has chosen not to return) after expressing views that some people might view/interpret as hurtful to the transgender community.
My GUESS is that someone on Medium's administrative team has been too overzealous at "dinging" authors after perhaps receiving a user complaint alleging that an author has used transphobic language.
Medium really needs to have a better due process system, where authors and members can actually be given the CITED WORDS (quoted back to them) for which they are being reprimanded or punished (in terms of violating the T.O.S.). I suspect this is a wrinkle that Medium still needs to iron out, within its administration.