“Parliamentarians” at a Glance
A rundown of temporal attributes and historical peers shared by many Oak Vessels
As part of my ongoing “Jigsaw Gens” series, I profile the various American generations (and “microgenerations”) identified by historians.
In This Installment
Featured Generation: “Parliamentarians” (aka Oak Vessels, Proto-Voyagers, Lygonians, Ocean Orphans, Sub-Acadians)
Who they are: The generation who came-of-age during the French War of Religion as European explorers initially surveyed North America, with their adulthoods spanning settlements ranging from Roanoke to New Amsterdam — with their final days occurring as the Navigation Acts were passed
When they were born: Approximately between 1560–1571
Key Members
Enforcers: Bartholomew Gosnold, Canonicus, Thomas Dale, Sassacus, Sir Thomas Gates of Henricus, Captain John Martin of Jamestown
Debaters: Stephen Bachiler, Moses Fletcher
Scholars: William Brewster, Master Christopher Jones Jr., Christopher Newport, Bartholomew Gilbert, Samuel de Champlain, John Brereton, Robert Hunt
Creators: Mary Brewster, John Tilley, Thomas Rogers, Ananias Dare, Eleanor Dare, Claude de Saint-Étienne de la Tour, Edward Hutchinson
Cusp Cohorts
Preceding Microgeneration: “Colonial Zygotes” (1555–1559)
Prominent “Colonial Zygotes”: James Chilton, Francis Marbury
Subsequent Microgeneration: “Turnip Squeezers” (1572–1576)
Prominent “Turnip Squeezers”: Thomas Dudley, John Pory, Samuel Argall, William Strachey, Thomas West (3rd Baron De La Warr), William Mullins, John Crackston, Henry Woodhouse, Tomocomo, Edward Fuller, George Thorpe, James Rosier, Governor John Harvey of Virginia
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