*raises hand*
I had a work-study position where I was the only White person in the office *AND* the only male person (not including the Department Chair) in the office.
However, a majority of my coworkers there were fantastic to work with, and, amongst most of them, I never felt targeted due to "standing out" -- with the exception of one specific individual in the office who clearly loathed me, and went out of her way to specifically pummel me with passive-aggressiveness. And even then, I'd say that her sexism toward me was far more pronounced than her racism toward me was. Furthermore, as I found out later after leaving that position...she ruffled **A LOT** of people's feathers (I'm guessing I was just her easiest target, for the year when I was there), and she was later forced to take anger management classes (and eventually reassigned to a different office) after she made the mistake of lashing out at one of the department's professors.