Sidney -- it sounds as though you are centering your blackness over your heterosexual privilege and your cisgender privilege. Unfortunately, "ranking oppressions" just doesn't work.
I'd also be curious to hear about your other facets of intersectionality. Do people from other generations (than your own) exhibit age-based animosity toward you? Do you have a disability? What income bracket do you fall into? Do you have a supportive religious community near you (or, alternately, are you nonreligious)?
Nobody here (at least, nobody with a brain) is saying that Black people have life easy. There's no doubt that the racist people you encounter refuse to view you as human. But it sounds as though you are consciously choosing to center your blackness above all other attributes you possess. That's completely tone-deaf and insensitive to the intersectional struggles of anybody who isn't a heterosexual cisgender Black male.