Anthony Eichberger
2 min readMar 29, 2023


Since "Van G." bungee-posted into this Comments Section and then immediately blocked me, I'm unable to hit reply directly to his commentary. However, one of my Medium spies was able to retrieve his comments for my I will address them here:

VAN G. SAYS: "Wow. The fake alarm over a philosophy that occupies the tiniest fraction of 1% of U.S. curriculum might be of some minor concern if the curriculum-dominant philosophies of white supremacy, the lost cause, and American exceptionalism were being actively addressed."

EICHY SAYS: This sounds like a rehearsed canned talking-point that we typically hear from the hyperwoke echo chamber. Which specific curricular items do you believe I was catastrophizing, in my article? Where, specifically, in my article did you identify me as promoting "American exceptionalism"?

VAN G. SAYS: "Fear of the mouse as the elephant tramples over everyone else in the room is hilarious hypocrisy. CRT and Woke are just the latest versions of Willie Horton, Stolen 2020 election, and white replacement theory. Code words to drive fear, revenue, and political capital."

EICHY SAYS: Cute analogy...but where specifically is my hypocrisy? Are you saying I have no business writing about oppression **JUST BECAUSE** I'm White and male? Or are you saying that I'm only justified in sharing my thoughts and ideas if they have Robin DiAngelo's seal-of-approval, beforehand? As far as you conflating those specific political conflicts you'd cited with those broader concepts you claim I espouse: you've obviously created a narrative, ahead of time, and you're proceeding with the conclusion that my argument already conforms to the narrative you're battling. Your invocation of "woke" is especially manipulative, and I highly suggest that people read my op-ed piece on how the concept of "wokeness" has deviated so drastically from its original meaning:

VAN G. SAYS: "Many of us won't bother to address lies, or change our use of words to please anyone anymore. Any attempt to weaponize our own words will no longer be met by passively adjusting to please the soon-to-be-largest minority. Draw comfort wherever you can, but we will no longer supply. Over and out."

EICHY SAYS: If you aren't bothering to respond to arguments that you deem as unworthy of your time, then why the hell were you commenting on this article in the first place? A blatant attempt, on your part, to showboat and to theatrically gain "the upper hand"? The fact that you blocked me immediately after commenting just proves your cowardice and extreme intent of bad faith. It's also deliciously hypocritical for you to accuse me of weaponizing your words against me -- never mind that you never made a good-faith attempt to debate with me, individually, in the first place -- when you did THE EXACT SAME THING in your previous paragraph. So, ditto. Right back 'atcha. Those of us who are of rational mind and genuine intent will no longer tolerate or leave unanswered the intellectual & verbal gymnastics or the sly sleights-of-hand flaunted by you hyperwoke, politically-correct, morally-disingenuous sycophants.



Anthony Eichberger
Anthony Eichberger

Written by Anthony Eichberger

Gay. Millennial. Pagan/Polytheist. Disabled. Rural-Born. Politically-Independent. Fashion-Challenged. Rational Egoist. Survivor. #AgriWarrior (Deal With It!)

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