So, full disclosure: being gay and male, this issue will never affect me directly. I will never be in a position to get a woman pregnant, and, obviously, I will never be in a position to biologically become pregnant myself.
I support Frances Goldschneider's position 100%. Here's why...
My position on abortion is one that is consistently supportive of a woman's right to choose, at all stages of her pregnancy. Whether it's an early-term, mid-term, or late-term abortion, it should be the woman's final decision, since she's the one who has to endure the pregnancy. And, while I generally wouldn't support "partial-birth abortion" in its most literal form (as the baby is being born) -- the fact is that abortion opponents are often trying to conflate "partial-birth abortion" with the Dilation & Extraction procedure -- and most doctors wouldn't perform it unless it was medically necessary (e.g. in order to save the woman's life). So I do believe that partial-birth abortion (i.e. D&E during delivery) should be legal for the limited purpose of medical necessity exceptions.
If a woman who carries the baby to term is going to choose (giving her child up for) adoption or single motherhood, that is her choice, as well. But if she chooses the latter path, she shouldn't be able to financially hold him hostage for 18 years of his life. It certainly isn't in the child's best interest to have a set of single parents toxically mirroring their resentment onto each other (and, inevitably, using the child as a vessel through which to inflict that mutual pain). But, if a non-custodial single father wants visitation/partial-custody rights, he has to pay the child support. Too many jurisdictions have let deadbeat fathers slide, as far as being to reap the rewards of fatherhood without the responsibilities.
Now, as far as states where reproductive freedoms are being curtailed or chipped away...yes, you could make the argument that, once the choice (about parenthood) is taken away from the woman via legal statute, then a parallel choice should be similarly taken away from the man, as well. Which, again, is why I support a federal standard of a fully-legal abortion option for all women up through the beginning of the delivery...regardless of where she lives.
Also, that idiot Judge Lawson (with his "chivalry" shtick) sounds like a really lame Michael Corriero-wannabe.