So, I want to play devil's advocate, here. What extent of regulation, if any, do you believe religious institutions should be subject to -- *if* they receive no public funds whatsoever?
I'm a firm believer in the Separation of Church and State, whenever practical. But I also believe it has to work both ways. Theocratic religious sects shouldn't be able to tell the government that it must close off my ability, as a gay person, to receive same-sex marital rights. And, conversely, I would never attempt to dictate that a house-of-worship must subscribe to pro-LGBT beliefs (even though I obviously view it as 100% acceptable for anybody to identify as LGBT+).
My personal belief here is perhaps clouded by the fact that my own faith is polytheistic in nature, and I generally don't participate in organized religion. Now, my individual religious beliefs aside: I applaud and admire any congregation that is welcoming of LGBT members. And I have contempt for any congregation that denounces its homosexual, bisexual, and transgender members due to sexuality or gender identity per se.
But at what point does "tolerance," "acceptance," or whatever-you-want-to-call-it become a compulsory mandate by the federal government?