So it sounds as though Pope Francis supporting same-sex civil unions is strictly in the secular realm? Disheartening, but unfortunately not unexpected.
Based on the Vatican's most recent statements, it sounds as though the Pope & Company are saying to LGBT people: "Sure, go ahead and get your marriage license at city hall if joining with somebody who identifies as the same sex that you do...but when it comes to being within our Church walls, you must either repent for who you are -- or hide who you are, altogether."
This is why I left the Catholic Church when I was in 7th Grade (that, and the fact that I have a broader polytheistic worldview even beyond sexuality itself). More people will continue to do so, until these anachronistic houses-of-worship can TRULY find their (inclusive) moral compass.
So the Vatican doesn't want me? Have it your way, Frankie: I believe in the existence of more than one deity, anyway; so I have no use for your ceremonies, either.
Heathens of the world unite!