So then, by that same token, are you saying that "most women" harbor internalized misogyny toward themselves (and toward other women) due to the patriarchal norms infused into culture? The concept of unconscious bias would suggest that nobody is immune from it.
Also, I don't put much stock in ANYONE who declares themselves to be "an ally" to ANY group. If someone is a true ally to others in the face of their marginalization, their words and actions will show it all on their own. Self-describing oneself with the label of "ally" is performative bullshit.
Another question I have for you: when we accept the premise of patriarchy as being designed with a zero-sum dynamic (yes, I agree with you there!), what would be a tangible hypothetical example of a man (or boy) "giving up that hierarchy"?
I will definitely continue doing it (mentoring, and supporting other mentors) -- but I'd be very curious as to how you intend to evaluate and measure "the results"?