So true, Jessica!
Absolute power corrupts. What makes anyone think they'll stop at banning abortion? Their end goal is to control the general public's sexual relations/activity, altogether. As you already mentioned, it will only be a matter of time until they go after contraception, IUDs, birth control, and the morning-after pill.
On top of that, I wouldn't be surprised to see them go for:
-- a ban on interstate travel, for pregnant women who travel across state lines to seek an abortion
-- criminalizing medical treatment for a woman who is experiencing trauma during pregnancy (under the premise that she could be "coerced" into having an abortion by a "rogue doctor")
-- prohibiting discussion of abortion when meeting with therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, or social workers
-- banning condoms for women and men alike
-- banning vasectomies and tubal ligation
-- criminalizing sex before marriage, even if one partner acknowledges the act after a marriage has become official
These might seem like outlandish examples, to some observers. But that's the dire risk anytime safeguards and mitigation protocols aren't implemented ahead of a theoretical legislative "slippery slope"...