Some nice straw man arguments, there. But my point still stands.
You appear to be centering race, sex/gender, and sexual orientation against all other intersectional identities. If I'm wrong in this assumption, and you do belong to any groups that have faced oppression and wish to share, I will certainly listen.
For someone who whines about other people "making judgments" about him, you seem quite prone to making judgments about me and what level of oppression you assume I have/haven't faced in my life. Perhaps you might want to take your own advice, there?
I'm not sure what you mean by "a path to change the world." What is the criteria (that you've seen in others) against which you're measuring (what you assume represents) my belief system?
I also believe in searching for the good in people. I appreciate your praise regarding my George Floyd article. I'm certainly willing to have open discussion on that and other topics. You are right that none of us can fix everything...certainly not unilaterally. But maybe hold off on dismissing people's lived experiences just because we don't happen to fall into two or three exact boxes which you view as markers of whether someone should be defined as "overly-oppressed" or not.