The actions of that school against the boys at that assembly was an example of cultural misandry. Case closed.
Rachel, I agree with most everything you've said in this piece. I'm just going to slightly push back against one thing you said...
"Teach girls that it is ok to say no. Teach them how to say it clear and loud, with words and body language. Teach our boys how to pick up on non-verbal clues of no as well as listening when told no."
Why not, instead, teach BOTH girls and boys (and genderfluid or nonbinary students), in tandem, the principles of consent, self-respect, verbal/physical cues, and healthy boundaries? The quotation of yours that I excerpted above seems to imply (even if it wasn't actually your intent) that we should use a cissexist binary from the get-go.
Why shouldn't the entire Sex Education / Consent Education curriculum be gender-inclusive, across-the-board?