The next two summers will be very pivotal and telling.
Democrats don't have the votes (in Congress) to expand the size of the Court, at present.
If we see more strings of 6-3 decisions eroding:
-- Voting integrity
-- Internet accessibility
-- Reproductive freedoms
-- Domestic parity
-- etc.
...public opinion will inevitably shift toward expanding the size of the Court.
If the SCOTUS rulings are, overall, more nuanced (including more narrowly-written concurring opinions), there will be less motivation to change the status quo.
It's one of those scenarios where "We'll-know-more-when-we-know-more." And, by August or September of this year, I suspect we'll indeed know at least a little more.
How brazen are Alito, Thomas, and Barrett willing to be?
How judicious and balanced are Roberts, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh willing to be?
The jury is still out (pun intended). But I suspect the trajectory will become more clear on a case-by-case basis.