This reference is doubly-ageist. First, the fact that you capitalize all other generations while leaving "millennials" in all lowercase. Secondly, that you juxtapose (the already-marginalized) "millennials" as a term alongside "GenXers" and so-called "GenZers" (the latter are more accurately and appropriately described as "Zoomers" or "Centennials"), which demonstrates a blatant lack of symmetry and (therefore) parity.
That being said, I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments about increased generational trauma, as each new generation comes-of-age. The Alphas (Generation AA), whose oldest members are in 4th/5th Grades at present, are going to be entering adulthood amidst an even more chaotic world than all past generations have.
Ultimately, it's going to take a diverse coalition of solidarity between Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, and Gen AA to create the global prosperity that you advocate (and the vision for which I share).