To add to your point about "mean girls"...
There is a particularly-toxic subset of White cisgender men who engage in over-the-top virtue-signaling, performative allyship, and white savior complex in order to prove how "woke" they are. This frequently means (to them) finding gratuitous excuses to bash White people, boys/men, cisgender people, heterosexual people, Christians and other monotheists, and Americans in general -- at every turn.
I dub them "the mean boys" (based on their identity of biological sex).
Or, "Pauls" to their White female counterparts (whom I dub "Heathers").
"Heathers" and "Pauls" are the left-wing inversions of "Karens" and "Kyles."
(Please Note: in my observations, these archetypes are predominantly White people, although some people of color can join this "clique," as well)
Ooops, I'd better stop typing, before I get *canceled*...