To me, this is mind-boggling that Medium would continue to let a person read your stories after that person has specifically blocked you. I was under the impression that, when someone blocks someone else, they can no longer SEE the content of the person whom they've blocked (and vice versa).
At any rate, I'm sure many of us (myself included) would be more than willing to go into those threads and gather Intel, on your behalf, as to what specifically the "Unknown User" is saying within your own Comments Sections.
Penguin, you should get an "Argumentative Penguin" Facebook account (if you don't have one already) -- myself and another Medium member are looking at the possibility of starting an offsite (off of Medium) "support group" (not the best term, here, but I can't think of what else to call it) for Medium users to lend each other strategic advice and solidarity when navigating the specifics of Medium's seemingly inconsistent standards & practices.