To my knowledge, FHA still exists...although they just started calling it "FHA" at one point, dropping the "Homemakers" reference altogether (I assume because it had a negative connotation).
Well, F.A.C.E. was just one tiny blip in our middle school curriculum. We had approximately 150 students in each grade. 6th Graders had it once per week, during 7th Hour. The older kids had it every day for one quarter (1st or 2nd Hours for 7th Graders; 3rd and 4th Hours for 8th Graders). So she was teaching five class periods per school day, plus 8am/2:30pm homeroom bookending the day. I guess the school board felt it would just be too expensive for more than one F.A.C.E. teacher to be salaried at the middle school.
The high school F.A.C.E. curriculum was 100% elective.
Mrs. Nortman was probably more well-liked amongst the girls compared to the boys; but she was unique in that she rarely ever raised her voice or yelled at us. On the flip side: she had the personality of Elmer's glue.
I suspect you are right...that the middle school girls who liked her tended to be more on the moderate-to-conservative side of the political spectrum and/or embracing heteronormativity.