Using the representation of Congress as one example...
You're exactly right! It isn't mutually-exclusive to be pushing to recruit more cisgender women, ALONG WITH more transgender people, ALONG WITH more members of the nonbinary, genderfluid, and genderqueer communities to elected office. And more BIPOC representatives/senators, as well.
Too often, people assume that inclusivity requires exclusivity. That isn't always the case. We can open up more gender-inclusive restrooms / changing rooms while still having sex-designated restrooms & locker rooms available. Single-occupancy spaces should always be gender-inclusive, by default. Sex education and consent education should be taught in a gender-inclusive manner that pertains to all sexualities...not according to some rigid heteronormative binary. Although domestic abuse shelters were established due to the systemic prevalence of battered women seeking refuge, they'd be hard-pressed to turn away battered men or battered nonbinary people looking for sanctuary from an abuser.